


2016/05/09 15:48:03 澳際教育 編輯: 瀏覽次數:1136 移動端
????? 前段時間有一個截圖在行業(yè)內和朋友圈里傳得沸沸揚揚(詳見下方),在轉發(fā)以后陸陸續(xù)續(xù)接到了很多同行和家長的電話詢問:“未成年人赴美必須要家長授權嗎?作為家長我應該準備什么樣的材料?”
???? 既然大家都這么關注這個問題,我覺得有必要做一個集中的介紹。首先咱們可以看這句話的出處-----? 來源于這個https://www.cbp.gov/海關邊境保護局U.S. Customs and Border Protection的網站FAQ答疑部分。

問題是:If a child (under the age of 18) is traveling with only one parent or someone who is not a parent or legal guardian, what paperwork should the adult have to indicate permission or legal authority to have that child in their care?

答案:Due to the increasing incidents of child abductions in disputed custody cases and as possible victims of child pornography, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strongly recommends that unless the child is accompanied by both parents, the adult have a note from the child's other parent (or, in the case of a child traveling with grandparents, uncles or aunts, sisters or brothers, friends, or in groups*, a note signed by both parents) stating "I acknowledge that my wife/husband/etc. is traveling out of the country with my son/daughter/group. He/She/They has/have my permission to do so." See our Q&A?parental consent.
????? 通過這個問題和答案不難知道,Customs and Border Protection (CBP)是出于近年不斷上升的兒童誘拐事件和兒童權益受侵害事件等,特此強烈建議strongly recommends未成年如果不是跟父母雙方同時出游時,父母/監(jiān)護人應當出具一份書面授權書。
?????? 馬上又到了暑假和秋季開學季,很多家長和學生都很關心這個問題;大致可以分為以下類型:一、赴美讀中學的未成年學生家長;二、參加夏令營、summer school、短期訪問(赴美面試、學術交流、競賽、表演等)的未成年人家長;三、與非父母/監(jiān)護人或者父母一方赴美旅行的未成年人家長。
?????? 其實大家完全不必驚慌,這并不是使館的通知或規(guī)定,而只是海關邊境保護局U.S. Customs and Border Protection通過答疑方式給未成年人出游安全保護方面的一些建議。但是,為了避免入境的時候萬一有麻煩(幾率很?。?,建議以上類型的未成年人家長可以在孩子入境前準備一份中英文父母授權書,建議包含以下內容即可:“我已知道我的丈夫/妻子/或其他人帶著我的兒子/女兒一起旅行,他/她(們)已經取得了我的授權?!背酥猓部梢园杨A計旅行城市,大致時間什么的寫到授權書里。??
??????? ?----- 澳際學生請具體咨詢自己的專屬老師
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