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分享老師背景:業(yè)內知名顧問-張曉暢老師:海外留學經歷;教育、媒體等行業(yè)的國內外工作履歷和對于海外教育、留學申請、方案制定、文書和簽證的操作和加國就業(yè)移民等方面的經驗和探索使其在眾多學生和家長中享有“留學規(guī)劃師”和“加拿大大拿張”的美譽。張曉暢老師曾連續(xù)蟬聯(lián)14‘15’16年“年度留學顧問”稱號. 并連續(xù)三年客戶滿意度第一。
  繼去年2月12日移民局發(fā)布加拿大留學新政之后加拿大移民局又出臺了新學簽(Study Permit)管理細則,已經開始實行,張曉暢老師總結歸納了以下幾個重點和大家分享:
  首先,到加拿大留學的學生,除了在加拿大駐中國使館獲得的簽證VISA之外,到了加拿大入關時,還需要憑借VISA和加拿大學校的入學通知書獲得“Study Permit”,即在加拿大學習所必需持有的學習許可即我們所說的小簽,學習許可上面會標明學生學習所在的地區(qū)和學校,留學加拿大的學生,簽證和學習許可,兩者缺一不可。
?To apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, you will need to have a letter of
acceptance from a designated learning institution.
?If you were issued a study permit before June 1 and are studying at an institution that is
not designated for international students: you will be able to pursue the program of study that
you are enrolled in for the duration of your current permit; and you will be able to renew your
study permit in order to complete your program, but not beyond June 1, 2017.
?You must notify CIC via your MyCIC account when you are transferring from one designated
learning institution to another, even if it is at the same level of study.
?If you are thinking about changing your institution or your program, you need to ensure that
you continue to meet the conditions of your study permit, as well as the conditions that allow
you to work, should you wish to work during your studies.
?As of June 1, 2014, all study permit holders in Canada will need to actively pursue studies.
This means that: if you hold a study permit, you must remain enrolled and make reasonable and
timely progress towards completing your program failing to do so could lead to your removal from Canada.
?Your educational institution will report to CIC on your continued enrolment and academic
status. You may also be asked by an immigration officer to provide evidence of your continued
Enrolment and academic status.
?新政后移民局將會通過認證教育機構的匯報來掌握學生的實際學習狀況,所以如果你入境不讀書注冊或者轉學不通知移民局的話,你很有可能會收到removal order 被遣送離境。
1、學生就是手上有兩個offer(入學通知書),用第一個offer申請的簽證,但是想去第二個學校。具體出現這種情況的原因,可能是心儀學校的offer來的比較晚,來不及申請簽證,所以先用一個offer提前遞簽。這種情況不在少數,后有個簡單的方法來通知移民局:那就是在機場入境獲得Study Permit時,跟移民的官員說實話,解釋你真正想去讀的學校是后來那所,一般情況下邊境署的官員會給你按照后來的offerstudy permit。如果這樣,你在CIC系統(tǒng)里面自動就更新了學校信息,Study Permit也會注明新的學校。
2、持有老學簽(Study Permit)的,去年或者今年入境已經更換了學校,卻沒有更換過學簽-學習許可上標明的還是舊學校這種情況,理論上原來只要是高等教育機構(大學或學院)之間的轉學就無需更換學簽或者通知移民局,另外學校也不會去主動向移民局報告學生注冊出勤狀況。但是新政后,所有認證學校都必須報告,這里面針對第一種情況就會有潛在的問題出現:你原來轉學的學校還是否存有你的檔案?如果學校還存有你的檔案,那它就會向移民局報告你缺勤或者沒有注冊,這時候你如果不主動向移民局報告你的轉學行蹤,很可能就會出現問題。如果之前的學校已經刪除了你的檔案,那它就不會報告你的行蹤了。所以建議是,為了避免無謂的麻煩,最好自己主動申報給移民局。
?On June 1, 2014, if you hold a study permit but you have not yet applied for an Off-Campus
Work Permit, you are authorized to work off campus without a work permit as long as you meet the eligibility requirements for working off campus. If you apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, the conditions relating to your eligibility to work off-campus will be written on your study permit.
持有有效學簽可以合法打工。平時每周20小時,暑假假期可以全職。之前頒發(fā)的老學簽,雖然頒發(fā)時上面沒有寫著可以打工的條件,但是新政后等同于新學簽,可以直接憑老學簽去service Canada申請SIN,合法打工。對于之后頒發(fā)的新學簽,上面將會注明你可以合法打工的條件。
?New rules may affect your eligibility to work as part of a co-op or internship program
Starting June 1, 2014, you will be able to work as part of a co-op or internship program only if
the work is an essential part of an academic, vocational or professional training program
offered by a designated learning institution. To work as part of a co-op/internship program, you
will need a co-op work permit that is separate from your study permit. If you are studying
English or French as a second language ESL/FSL),or participating in general interest or
preparatory courses, you will not be eligible to work during your studies, unless you become
eligible to apply for a work permit with a positive Labor Market Opinion from Employment and
Social Development Canada.
?? 以上是加拿大首席顧問張曉暢老師對目前新政的解讀,請廣大學生和家長注意。


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