

電話面試經(jīng)驗(McMaster MBA)

2017/03/23 11:20:57 編輯: 加拿大 瀏覽次數(shù):253 移動端
本來說好了周三打電話給我的,結果我等到半夜也沒有消息,睡又睡不著,心情極度失落。周四早上我就發(fā)郵件給學校,說“沒有收到電話啊,能否我今天打給你?”我還把時間定在了9:00 a.m., CANADA TIME 就是我們晚上10點?! 〗Y果等到晚上9:45的時候,電話來了!——面試的Lady在我打電話給她之前就把電話打給我了。她解釋說,她的Phone Interview電話費是學校付費的,所以她就先打電話過來了。她還解釋說她昨天沒有打電話是因為她沒有說到我的確認郵件。(我明明發(fā)了的?。┎贿^,總的來說,真是相當Nice! 所以大家以后在遇到什么不爽的時候不要往壞里想,國外的老師絕大部分是相當友好的。問了幾個問題:[b]  1. Say something about your work.。[b]  2. Do you use English in your work?[b]  3. Do you think you will feel comfortable at our university?[b]  我說會,我還認識幾個在讀的學生,他們給我介紹了些情況。[b]  4. How do you know them?[b]  5. Any questions?[b]  談的氣氛還是蠻好,最后老師說她覺得會accept我,但要上報到院里等最后的決定。感覺她就是為了試探我的English表達怎么樣,沒有涉及專業(yè)性問題?! ∥抑白屑毧戳薵ter上關于面試的帖子,準備了很多資料,結果完全沒有用上,我準備的資料如下:[b]  McMaster[b]  1. Why MBA?[b]  2. Which aspects are you interested in?[b]  3. Why McMaster? [b]  4. Why now?[b]  5. The criteria for you to choose business school.[b]  6. Goal upon completing MBA program.[b]  7. Career path Short-term and long-term career goals.[b]  8. What did you do if you did not get in your school?[b]  Yourself[b]  9. Introduce yourself brily[b]  10.What are your greatest strengths? [b]  11. Your 3 biggest weaknesses, how do you overcome?[b]  12.What do you do for fun? [b]  13. If you three friends talk about you, how will they describe you?[b]  14. What would you boss describe you?[b]  15. What will you classmates say about you after 2 years at DeGroote[b]  16. Introduce your university[b]  17. Favorite curriculum/course/subject[b]  Working Experience[b]  18. What do you like most and least about your present job? How you get it?[b]  19. The greatest accomplishment[b]  Leadership[b]  20. Describe any leadership experiences and what you learnt from those experiences?[b]  21. What’s your view about a good leader. [b]  22. Leadership Styles.[b]  Teamwork[b]  23. Share some experience of teamwork. [b]  24. The important characters for team members.[b]  25. What would you do if a team member was not pulling his own weight.[b]  Others[b]  26. How to deal with conflicts.[b]  27. Cross-cultural experience[b]  28. How to finance your study?[b]  29. Describe an ethical dilemma faced at work.[b]  好像沒有一個用到,但是,我覺得準備的價值在于:可以讓你自信一點![b]  祝福各位參加Interview的朋友。 [url=立即咨詢
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