


剛剛更新 編輯: 瀏覽次數(shù):204 移動端


451.tawdry: exquisite俗麗的:優(yōu)美的

The _______ of the house was tastully decorated, contrasting sharply with the ______ appearance of the outside.

A. impression ….awkward

B. exterior … cheap

C. interior …tawdry

D. inside …lovely

452.tedious: entertaining 乏味的:愉快的

The director complained that the sitcom’s theme song was downright -------, having no more pep and vigor than a -------.

(A) tedious . . jingle

(B) inchoate . . lullaby

(C) lugubrious . . dirge

(D) facetious . . ballad

(E) sprightly . . eulogy

jingle 叮當(dāng)聲

453.temperate: frivolous 節(jié)制的:輕佻的

454.tenable: unjustifiable 站得住腳的:不可防御的

Upon realizing that his position was__, the general__ his men to retreat to a neighboring hill.

(A) valuable, admonished

(B) untenable, ordered

(C) overrated, forbade

(D) exposed, urged

(E) salubrious, commanded

455.tenacious: negotiable固執(zhí)的:可商量的

His peers respected him because he was both__ and___: steadfast in his belis and tactful in his negotiations.

(A) resourcul, courteous

(B) tenacious, manipulative

(C) determined, demonstrative

(D) resolute, diplomatic

(E) outspoken, indiscriminate

456.tentative: formal 實驗性的:正式的

When a baby first learns to walk he will generally walk cautiously, placing one foot___ in front of the other while trying to find his balance.


(B) clumsily



(E) languidly

457.testy: affable 暴躁的:和藹可親的

458.thrive: fail 興旺:失敗

459.timeworn: novel陳舊的,老朽的:新穎的

460.timorous: unflinching/stalwart/intrepid 膽小的,膽怯的:不退縮,不畏懼

461.tonic: enfeebling 滋補(bǔ):衰弱

The good night’s sleep had-----fect on the weary climber, who woke rreshed and eager to resume the ascent.

(A) an innocuous (B) a tonic(C) a minor (D) an enervating

(E) a detrimental

462.torrential: trickling 奔流的:細(xì)細(xì)地流的

In the summertime, ___ rains often__ the hillside slopes, causing landslides and washing away people’s precarious houses.

(A) torrential, deluge

(B) gentle, purge

(C) treacherous, sustain

(D) liberal, desecrate

(E) fecund, bolster

463.tranquility: pandemonium平靜:混亂

Despite being in the midst of angry and noisy___, Lucinda felt surprisingly__.

(A) discord, tranquil (B) pomp, daunting(C) banality, conventional

(D) turmoil, controversial (E) serenity, opportune

464.transitory: perpetual 短暫的:永久的

465.translucence: opacity 半透明:不透明

466.transparent: delusive 透明的,顯然的:迷惑的

467.travesty: paragon 滑稽模仿:模范

468.treacherousness: faithfulness 清晰的:含糊的/遲鈍的

469.trenchant: vague/dull/subtle 清晰的:含糊的/遲鈍的

470.trepidation: aplomb 顫抖:鎮(zhèn)定

The apparent___ with which professional skiers descend the slopes is deceptive; this activity requires___ fort and intense concentration.

(A) trepidation--- conscious(B) focus---resolute(C)nonchalance---strenuous

(D) consideration---unpredictable(E) insouciance--- minimal

471.tribute: denunciation 感謝詞:譴責(zé)

472.trivial: massive 瑣細(xì)的:宏偉的

473.tumult: tranquility 騷動:安靜

Mr. DiCastro’s outburst was unexpected; his personality is usually ________.

  1. placid
  2. tumultuous
  3. boisterous
  4. ebullient

474.turgid: simple 浮夸的:簡樸的

475.turmoil: tranquility 騷動:安靜

476.ubiquitous: rarely encountered到處都是的:很少遭遇

477.unassuming: overbearing 謙遜的:傲慢的

478.uncanny: ordinary 離奇的:普通的

479.unsubstantiated: verified 無確實證據(jù)的:已證實的

480.unswerving/steadfast/: deviating/hesitant/hesitating/vacillating/staggering/halting/irresolute

481.untainted: contaminated 無感染的:被玷污的

482.untenable: densible無法抵抗的:可抵抗的

483.unwonted: usual不尋常的:尋常的

If you come to the conference table with such an ----attitude, we cannot expect to reach any harmonious agreement.

(A) exemplary (B) iridescent(C) indolent

(D) obdurate (E) unwonted

484.usurp: assume rightfully 篡權(quán):正當(dāng)?shù)木吐?/p>

485.vacuous: intelligent/omniscient 心靈空虛的:聰明的

486.vague: express 含糊的:明確的

There are vague outlines of half a continent, a sense of vast spaces and little habitation.

487.valiant: pusillanimous勇猛的:懦弱的

488.vapid: piquant/ riveting 乏味的:開胃的

The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so _______.

A) threatening B) riveting C) conniving

D) fearsome E) irritating

489.vehement: apathetic/languid/lull/tepidity 激烈的:缺乏感情的

Wary of unorthodox treatments, many doctors are reluctant to concede that nutritionists have a____ argument for the use of dietary regulation as preventive medicine.

(A) cogent(B) cursory(C) vacillating(D) feckless(E) vehement

490.venerable: despicable值得尊敬的:可鄙的

491.verbose: concise 冗長的:簡潔的

He is much too____ in his writings: he writes a page when a sentence should suffice.

(A) devious(B) lucid (C) verbose (D) ficient(E)pleasure

492.verifiable: fallacious 可證實的:錯誤的

Some subatomic particles, _____ only through their fects on other bodies, have been compared to outer planets whose____ was first deduced from eccentricities in other planets’ orbits.

(A) feasible---irregularly (B) palpable---certain (C)imaginable---falsity

(D) perceptible---existence(E) verifiable---proximity

493.verisimilar: implausible 好像真實的:不可能的

494.versatile: having limited application 萬能的:用途有限

Leonardo da Vinci was a__ artist; he was a painter, sculptor, draftsman, architect, and inventor.

(A) demonstrative

(B) nebulous

(C) meticulous

(D) versatile

(E) metaphoric

495.vertex: nadir 最高點:最低點

496.vicarious: firsthand 代理人的:直接的

Louise Erdrich and Mechael Dorris co-wrote The Crown of Columbus, a___ fort successfully mingling their individual styles as writers.

(A) stratified

(B) fitful

(C) collaborative

(D) vicarious

(E) corresponding

497.vigilant: negligible/oblivious/unalert 警醒的:容易忽略的

The__ cat remained by the mouse hole all afternoon, watching for his meal.

(A) apprehensive

(B) emaciated

(C) vigilant

(D) prominent

(E) indolent

498.vivacious: languid 快活的:疲倦的,沒精打采的

499.vociferous: serenity 叫喊的,吵鬧的:安靜的

500.volatile: stable 多變的:穩(wěn)定的


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