

雅思口試話題:wild animal in your country.

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  Describe a wild animal in your country.


  You should say:


  what animal it was

  what it looked like

  where you saw it

  and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.


  One never tires of watching lovely red-crowned cranes. 優(yōu)雅的丹頂鶴令人百看不厭。


  Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almost five feet tall and has long legs. It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey. 丹頂鶴雪白的身體,有黑色的頸,黑色的翅膀邊緣以及紅色的頭頂。它幾乎5英尺高,有長長的腿。丹頂鶴有一個鋒利的長喙,能夠戳穿食物。


  Cranes are regarded as a bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all bird species. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China as symbols of longevity. 在中國人心目中,鶴是一種吉祥的鳥。在中國文化中,鶴已經(jīng)存在了三千多年了。 有不少關(guān)于鶴的傳說和典故。丹頂鶴的壽命有六十年,它是鳥類中的壽星。


  The image of the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long. So people use them to symbolize longevity. Red-crowned cranes dance the most beautiful dances in the world of birds. While dancing, they half-open their wings, and they jump around and sing for each other. That&aposs why peopele consider crane as elegance. 丹頂鶴的圖案可以在中國很多地方看到。人們經(jīng)常把丹頂鶴與松樹畫在一起。松樹和仙鶴的壽命都長。所以人們就拿這兩樣東西來象征長壽。丹頂鶴是在鳥類中跳舞最美的。當它們起舞時,半展翅膀跳躍,互相歌唱。這也是為什么人們視它作優(yōu)雅的象征。


  Red-crowned cranes are one of the world&aposs most endangered species. Despite protective laws, poaching continues to remain a problem. 丹頂鶴是世界上瀕臨滅絕的物種之一。盡管有動物保護法存在,但非法狩獵仍然是個問題。





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