

Part 2話題參考答案——An advice you received.

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  Describe a Good Advice you recieved.


  You should say:


  what the advice was

  in what situation you received this advice

  who gave you the advice

  and explain why you thought this advice was good.


  what the advice was


  The most important advice I received in my life was: "Know yourself". Quite a simple one but, it means much more to me than it sounds. 我生命中收到的最重要的建議是:“認識你自己”。很簡單,但它對我的意義遠比聽起來要復(fù)雜。


  in what situation you received this advice


  During a certain period in my early 20&aposs, I was extremely arrogant. Every time I assumed I would be successful, I would get whatever I wanted. I didn&apost respect people around me, and even my arrogance came out in every speech I made. 在我20出頭的一段時間里,我非常傲慢自大。認為自己每次都能成功,想要什么都能得到。我不尊重周圍的人,甚至我的每句話中都充滿了傲慢。


  who gave you the advice


  Mom thought I was full of myself, irritating. She once told me to "know yourself"! Mom said it&aposs inscribed on the front of the temple of Apollo. And entire quote is "know thyself, and you shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe." That&aposs quite a mouthful. Her version is this. "Know yourself because what else is there to know?" 媽媽認為我太過自滿。她曾經(jīng)告誡我:“認清你自己”!她說這句話是被刻在了阿波羅神廟上的,完整的句子是“認識你自己就能洞悉世間萬物的奧秘”。太拗口了。她的版本是“認清你自己,因為還有其它的東西要認清么?”


  and explain why you thought this advice was good.


  As a child, we don&apost always realize that parents tell us what to do out of love. I discovered that she was right after awhile. To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself and be a sober realist -- aware of both one&aposs strength and shortage. You may look forward hopully to the future but be sure not to expect too much. I think feeling small is the first step to knowing yourself. Being silent is the second. I think we are afraid of silence because we don&apost want to be small. If we are too silent, we might slow down enough to recognize that something much deeper, much larger, and much more ancient than us is slowly trying to tell us something. And that&aposs scary. But I think it&aposs worth a try. Maybe it will tell us who we are. That&aposs to way so long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there won&apost be difficulties you can&apost overcome, nor obstacles you can&apost surmount. 我們作為孩子,往往不能理解父母對我們的告誡。慢慢的,我發(fā)現(xiàn)她是對的。悟透自己,就是正確認識自己,也就是說要做一個冷靜的現(xiàn)實主義者,既知道自己的優(yōu)勢,也知道自己的不足。我們可以憧憬人生,但期望值不能過高。我覺得認清自己的第一步是要把自己想象得渺小。接下來第二步則是保持沉默。我想我們害怕沉默,因為我們不想變得渺小。如果我們過于沉默,則會更加認識到周圍的事物有多么深奧,多么高大。而這有點嚇人,但我認為卻值得一試。人一旦有了自知之明,也就沒有什么克服不了的困難,也沒有什么過不去的難關(guān)。




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