


剛剛更新 編輯: 瀏覽次數(shù):277 移動端


  21. 我記得有一題是有考到什么什么 encouragement 還有 encouraging 。。。。。to begin .....weaning 什么 out of ~ 還有個末尾是 off。。。。查查wean的用法?其實我不知道啥意思。(by ywding)

  【W(wǎng)ean的用法】 vt. 使斷奶;使斷念;使放棄 n. (蘇格蘭)幼兒

  1. Wean someone (away) from something

  to force someone or an animal to break a habit. (Fig. on the notion of ending the dependence of a young creature on milk alone.) It was almost impossible to wean her from her high spending habits. We couldn&apost wean away the dog from its mother.

  2.Wean someone off something

  to make someone gradually stop depending on something that they like and have become used to, especially a drug or a bad habit

  We&aposre trying to wean ourselves off watching too much television.

  22. 還有考到獨立主格~~兩個人名的。。。it is was后面下劃線。。。。不能直接接 x and y&aposs什么什么~~~ 我選的是 the development of 這兩個人~~具體忘記了~~~ 很好排除

  還有兩道prep 08的和GWD的~~ 我已經(jīng)想不起來了。。(by ywding)

  23. 只記得xx is attribute to result from doing 了,別的就不獻丑了,我做的語法題基本都是600分的題。。。(by qianertongre)

  因為不知道劃線是什么 就補充兩個idioms

  【Manhattan attribute idioms】

  RIGHT: We ATTRIBUTE the uprising TO popular discontent.

  WRONG: We ATTIRIBUTE the uprising AS popular discount.

  【Manhattan result idioms】

  Wealth RESULTS FROM work.

  Work RESULT IN wealth.

  Wealth is a RESULT OF work.

  AS A RESULT OF our work, our wealth grew.

  The RESULT OF our work WAS THAT our wealth grew.

  24. 語法幾乎全部失憶, 有個飛機場的employees: XX XX XX XX and XXz就是后面的XX都是 employee的內(nèi)容,比如飛行員什么的 (by YuchengZhou)

  25. SC部門只記得平行考得很多。第一道題我記得是 we became friends at no time, so did they. so did劃線,選項有neither did,neither have等等。我選的so did, 不知道對不對。(by zhanguang07)

  不確定狗主記對沒有,因為如果原文是 ’at no time’ 中文意思是“絕不,從不,任何時候都不”就應該選neither。但是如果是’ in no time’ 意思是“馬上, 立即”那么狗主就選對了。附上prep和Manhattan里關于neither的部分:


  neither A nor B后面跟的謂語動詞由B決定:

  1. Neither menus nor dialog boxes have this immediate property. Each one requires an intermediate step, sometimes more than one.

  2. Neither the salesman nor the supervisor has been notified of the sale.


  They are not from England. Neither (nor) is she.


  either or, neither nor

  1. 當either..or…/neither…nor..同時出現(xiàn)的時候——就近原則:謂語動詞得單復數(shù)取決于離它最近的名詞的單復數(shù)。

  EG: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach.

  Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach.

  2. 若僅僅只有either or neither, 沒有or 、nor,則謂語動詞要用單數(shù)


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