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Public schools cannot charge tuition. They are funded through federal, state and local taxes. When you pay your taxes, you are paying for your child's education and the education of other children in your community.公立學(xué)校是不收學(xué)費(fèi)的.但是國內(nèi)的交流項(xiàng)目收取大概10萬左右人民幣作為服務(wù)費(fèi)用.學(xué)生拿到1年的J-1簽證.1年之后必須回國.而可選擇的學(xué)校面非常窄.由于中美兩國教育體制并不完全銜接,所以學(xué)生回國后反而面臨諸多困難.

Private schools cost money. Private schools do not receive tax revenues, but instead are funded through tuition, fundraising, donations and private grants. According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the median tuition for their member private day schools in 2005-2006 in the United States was close to $14,000 for grades 1 to 3, $15,000 for grades 6 to 8 and $16,600 for grades 9 to 12. The median tuition for their member boarding schools was close to $29,000 for grades 1 to 3, $32,000 for grades 6 to 12. Note that of the 28,384 private schools in the United States, about 1,058 are affiliated with NAIS. The Digest of Education Statistics 2005 from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that for the 1999-2000 school year, the average private school tuition was about $4,700. 2005-2006年私立中學(xué)6-12年級(小學(xué)6年級到高三)年平均學(xué)費(fèi)在$32,000.從07年開始,在北京櫻知葉辦理留學(xué)的學(xué)生年齡小到13歲大到17歲,大部分家長不在意學(xué)校的費(fèi)用,更在意學(xué)校的排名\錄取率\AP課程\入學(xué)考試要求\SAT平均分.雖然美國中學(xué)留學(xué)這個(gè)市場還處于培育階段,但我們的家長通過各種渠道對美國私立寄宿中學(xué)的理解可以說是在不斷的加深.對大部分中國學(xué)生而言,除了基本的學(xué)費(fèi)以外,可能還要申請ESL語言課程,每學(xué)年可能要另加2000--5000美金不等.這里特別要說明的是,美國私立中學(xué)收取國際學(xué)生學(xué)費(fèi)和本土學(xué)生是一樣的.所以僅僅能付得起學(xué)費(fèi)不是入學(xué)的唯一保障.學(xué)校對國際學(xué)生收取的申請費(fèi)50-200美金不等.


Public schools admit all children. By law, public schools must educate all children, including students with special needs. To enroll in a public school you simply register your child by filling out the necessary paperwork.公立學(xué)校根據(jù)法律錄取所有學(xué)生,原則類似北京現(xiàn)在施行的就近入學(xué)原則.

Private schools are selective. They are not obligated to accept every child, and in many private schools admission is very competitive.私立學(xué)校入學(xué)競爭十分激烈.美國頂尖和一流私立中學(xué)要求9-10年級托福和SSAT;11-12年級托福和PSAT或者SAT.






Public schools must follow all federal, state and local laws in educating children. Such laws usually include specifics about funding, program development and curriculum.公立學(xué)校根據(jù)聯(lián)邦或者州法律管理學(xué)校.

Private schools are not subject to as many state and federal regulations as public schools. Since private schools are funded independently, they are not subject to the limitations of state education budgets and have more freedom in designing curriculum and instruction.私立學(xué)校管理模式自由.還可以根據(jù)需求自行設(shè)置課程.


Public schools offer a general program, designed for all children, which usually includes math, English, reading, writing, science, history and physical education. In addition to these key subjects, many public schools offer programs in music and art. In a public school, the substance of what children learn is mandated by the state and learning is measured through state standardized tests.公立學(xué)校提供常規(guī)課程.

NOTE: The charter school movement is picking up momentum in many states; these schools are public, but many offer specialized programs and smaller classes.

Private schools have the flexibility to create a specialized program for students. For example, private schools may use art or science in all classes, or take children on extended outdoor trips that blend lessons across the curriculum. Private schools can create their own curriculum and assessment systems, although many also choose to use standardized tests.私立學(xué)校課程種類豐富多樣,還可以根據(jù)學(xué)生特點(diǎn)定制創(chuàng)新課程.通常一所私立中學(xué)提供的課程種類涵蓋幾十個(gè)類別二三百門課程.為孩子德智體美勞的全面發(fā)展提供最大的平臺.例如女校的藝術(shù)課程\馬術(shù)課程\禮儀課程非常流行和受歡迎.


Public schools: All teachers in a public school are usually state certified or, at a minimum, working toward certification. Certification ensures that a teacher has gone through the training required by the state, which includes student teaching and coursework.公立學(xué)校老師必須有教師證才能上崗.

Private schools: Teachers in private schools may not be required to have certification, and instead often have subject area expertise and an undergraduate or graduate degree in the subject they teach.私立學(xué)校老師更多的是某個(gè)領(lǐng)域的專家或?qū)W者.很多教師擁有美國牛校的博士學(xué)位.


Public schools: The children at most public schools usually reflect the community. Students may be split up based on ability or interests, but in many public schools, there is a diversity of student backgrounds.學(xué)生主要來自同一個(gè)社區(qū),不論貧富.

NOTE: In many states, if you are not satisfied with your assigned school, you may be able to send your child to another public school in the area.

Private schools: The student population at a private school is determined through a selection process; all students must apply and be accepted in order to attend. Although students may be from different neighborhoods, they will probably have similar goals and interests. This tends to create a fairly homogenous student body.因?yàn)閷W(xué)校對學(xué)生有篩選的一個(gè)過程,所以學(xué)生有比較相似的目標(biāo)和興趣.且學(xué)生來自五湖四海,多數(shù)寄宿中學(xué)對來自各個(gè)地區(qū)\國家的學(xué)生有名額限制,以保證學(xué)校做到真正的多元化.


Public schools: Due to special education laws, public schools must educate all children, and provide the necessary programs to meet their special needs. This means that most public schools have special education programs and teachers who are trained to work with students who have particular needs.根據(jù)特殊教育法,公立學(xué)校提供特殊服務(wù)給有需求的學(xué)生.

Private schools: Private schools do not have to accept children with special needs, and many choose not to (although there are a small number of private schools specifically designed for special needs children). As a result, most private schools do not have special education programs or teachers trained to work with students with severe special needs. Private schools will try to help all the students they admit, but extra resources may also come at an additional cost.大部分私立學(xué)校不提供服務(wù)給特殊需求的學(xué)生,但也有小部分學(xué)校會(huì)有個(gè)別可能,但要取額外費(fèi)用.


Public schools: Many states recognize the value of small classes and have provided funding to keep class sizes small in grades K-3. As students become older, class size tends to get bigger in public schools, especially in large school districts and urban schools.班級人數(shù)較多.

Private schools: Private schools are generally committed to providing small classes and individual attention to students. Many parents choose private schools for this reason.平均人數(shù)在12人.因?yàn)樗搅W(xué)校致力于提供小班授課,也是家長選擇私立學(xué)校的一個(gè)理由.

The Bottom Line

There are a few fundamental differences between public and private schools, but here's the bottom line: There are great private schools and there are great public schools. The trick is finding the school that best fits your child's needs. You may also want to consider public charter schools or homeschooling. It's a good idea to research the schools that interest you and, to get a true picture of the school, visit in person.

雖然有很多優(yōu)秀的私立學(xué)校和公立學(xué)校.但對我們中國大陸家長來說,關(guān)鍵是選擇適合你的孩子的學(xué)校.不要以為多交了學(xué)費(fèi)自己有可以隨意挑選學(xué)校.從08年的申請情況看,學(xué)校篩選學(xué)生越來越嚴(yán)格,競爭更加激烈.適合中國大陸學(xué)生就讀的美國私立中學(xué)數(shù)量有限.美國的家長可能選擇小班教學(xué)但帶有公立學(xué)校性質(zhì)的charter schools或者家庭學(xué)校,但這些都不適合中國的學(xué)生. 


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