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  The University of Groningen has nine Graduate Schools, each of which offers Research Master’s and PhD programmes that prepare you for a high-level career in academia or beyond.

  The Graduate Schools are where the mind should flourish. In order to create this environment the Graduate Schools promote:



  1.intensive contact between prominent academics and students

  2.a challenging interdisciplinary and international environment

  3.professional development opportunities for graduate students

  4.high-level services, activities and events for students

  5.a setting that fosters academic integrity.

  These elements ensure the development of strong research skills, thus creating excellent prospects for a career in academia or beyond.







  The Dean of Graduate Schools, together with the directors and coordinators of the faculty Graduate Schools, is responsible for the performance and continued improvement of the Graduate Schools. They bear overall responsibility for the graduate programmes and the academic and personal wellbeing of the students, and they participate in decisions on admissions, financial aid, academic performance and the application of the regulations and policies of the Graduate School.


  Behavioural and Social Sciences

  The programme takes two years (4 semesters) in total, with a total study load of 120 EC, and is composed of seven parts.

  1) General and statistical compulsory modules (30 EC)2) Specialization-related compulsory modules: theoretical modules (15 EC)3) Specialization-related compulsory modules: statistical/methodological modules (10 EC)4) Optional modules (17EC)5) Seminars (2,5 EC)6) Traineeship (10 EC)7) Master's thesis project (35 EC)



  1)一般和統(tǒng)計必修模塊(30個學(xué)分)2) 專業(yè)相關(guān)必修模塊:理論模塊(15個學(xué)分)3) 專業(yè)相關(guān)必修模塊:統(tǒng)計和方法論模塊(10個學(xué)分)4) 選修模塊(17個學(xué)分)5)研討課(25個學(xué)分)6) 培訓(xùn)(10個學(xué)分)7)碩士論文項目(35個學(xué)分)。

  Research assistantships:

  All new students in this Research Master's programme are eligible for a nine-month research assistantship of 4 hours per week. Students do not need to apply for this. They will be informed about these positions once they are enrolled for the programme. Starting date of the research assistantships is usually around November.



  Programme options

  1.Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology (specialization)

  The program teaches how to apply theoretical and methodological knowledge and advanced research methods in the area of psychopathology and clinical neuropsychology and consists of two streams:



  The focus of the Clinical Psychology stream is on investigating the causal mechanisms underlying the onset and maintenance of mental disorders. Knowledge of transdiagnostic processes, focusing on shared (dysfunctional) cognitive and behavioural processes across disorders, is combined with insight in specific disorders and symptoms.


  The Clinical Neuropsychology stream specifically addresses the effects of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders and other clinical conditions affecting the brain in children, adolescents and adults. Methods used in the field of clinical neuropsychology are neuropsychological tests, neuroimaging and EEG. Knowledge is used in the assessment, diagnosis and/or rehabilitation of patients.



  Within both streams advanced research skills will be acquired by participating in research projects, focusing either on fundamental research, or the more applied field, or in learning to critically evaluate the empirical support for specific treatments. Students also have the opportunity to train in advanced diagnostic and other clinical skills to qualify for a postdoctoral training program in the optional module.


  2.Sociology (specialization)

  The Sociology specialization focuses on theoretically and methodologically advanced research in the discipline of sociology and general social sciences.



  The Sociology specialization focuses on theoretically and methodologically advanced research in the discipline of sociology and general social sciences. It is offered jointly with the Department of Sociology in Utrecht and in the context of the interuniversity graduate school and research centre of the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS). Students will follow a series of theory and applied research modules and actively participate in research seminars throughout the programme. By the end of the programme, students will be proficient in problem-guided and deductive theory building in sociology, coupled with applied empirical research using complex data analysis models and methods. The theoretical component focuses on deductive and structured sociological modelling of substantive social issues. The research methods component examines contemporary explanatory models, measurement models and analytical methods of complex multi-actor, multi-level and multi-event data structures in an integrative and applied manner.


  3.Education and Development (specialization)

  The Education and Development specialization focuses on the effectiveness of education and the improvement of development processes. It is jointly offered by Pedagogy, Education and Psychology.



  The Education and Development specialization focuses on the effectiveness of education and the improvement of development processes.

  There are four main strands of research topics within this programme:



  A. Adaptive and inclusive education, focusing on creating equitable and accessible education, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and other students that are at risk,


  B. Socio-psychological precursors of school success, which studies how personality, motivation, meta-cognition, social comparison processes, and friendship ties affect students' school careers in secondary education;


  C. Instructional design, focusing on the use and effect of new learning environments, such as computer-supported collaborative learning, but also socio-constructivist inspired real-life situations for learning in vocational education; and


  D. Developmental processes in the life span, which studies developmental processes from a dynamic systems point-of-view.


  The research programme has both a fundamental and an applied orientation, and studies are often linked to ongoing research projects.


  4.Psychometrics and Statistics (specialization)

  Focuses on a variety of advanced statistical data analysis methods and experimental techniques.



  The Psychometrics and Statistics specialization offers a series of modules, as well as individual supervision on a variety of advanced statistical data analysis methods and experimental techniques. The modules deal with the application of methods, background knowledge on these methods, and their relationship with other methods.


  The specialization is suitable for students who want to build a solid basis in statistical data analysis methods, and is an ideal preparation for students aiming to undertake a PhD project on statistical data analysis methods. In such projects, statistical data analysis methods are often compared and sometimes new methods are developed which require evaluation to show their additional value over existing methods.


  Therefore, when preparing and writing the Master's thesis, the student will learn to apply one or more methods for comparing and evaluating statistical data analysis methods.


  5.Social and Organizational Psychology (specialization)

  The programme focuses on intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup perceptions and comparisons.



  The Social and Organizational Psychology programme focuses on intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup perceptions and comparisons, i.e. on how individuals and groups perceive themselves in relation to their own standards, in relation to other individuals, and in relation to other groups. The modules deal with topics such as social comparison, social exchange, negotiation, aggression, stereotyping and meta-stereotyping, achievement goals, pro-social behaviour, motivation, perfectionism, conflict, health behaviour, discrimination, and integration as well as their consequences in terms of, for example, self-evaluation, emotions, well-being, creativity, and performance. The modules in this specialization emphasize the integration of fundamental and applied research. This implies an emphasis on experimental paradigms with considerable ecological validity, and on applied research that has the potential to contribute to theory development. The underlying philosophy is that basic research needs to have relevance to phenomena in society, and that applied research needs to be directly theoretically relevant.


  Why Groningen?

  Unique characteristics of the programme are:

  1.For two years it was the highest student ranked Research Master's programme in the Behavioural and Social Sciences in the Netherlands!

  2.Students work one-on-one with internationally acknowledged researchers

  3.Students determine the focus of their programme so that it suits their own ambitions and interests






  Study support

  Academic advisor:At least twice a year students will be invited by the academic advisor to discuss their study progress. Students can also visit the academic advisor for confidential issues or study-related issues.



  Supervisor:The content of the programme is highly individualized, with some compulsory and some optional modules. Students compose and monitor their personal study plans in close cooperation with a supervisor (i.e., a member from the staff of the research group in which the student plans to specialize). The supervisor is assigned to each student around week 8 of the programme. Soon after this, a detailed study plan is formulated by the student and the supervisor together and submitted for approval to the Board of Examiners. Typically, the supervisor supervises the first literature study and the traineeship. The student and supervisor meet several times during the year. The student may choose another supervisor for the Master's thesis, who will take over the role of 'general' supervisor in the second year.







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