

【教育體系】愛爾蘭留學 利默瑞克大學碩士課程的詳細介紹

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本文標題:愛爾蘭留學 利默瑞克大學碩士課程的詳細介紹,如今留學的人越來越多,不論高中生、大學生還是讀研的學生,都想早日去留學接受好的教育,很多同學對愛爾蘭留學利默瑞克大學碩士課程的詳細介紹,愛爾蘭留學中介,愛爾蘭留學條件的相關問題有所疑問,下面澳際小編整理了《【教育體系】愛爾蘭留學 利默瑞克大學碩士課程的詳細介紹》,歡迎閱讀,如有疑問歡迎聯系我們的在線老師,進行一對一答疑。


  Business Administration - Corporate MBA

  Business Management, MA

  Computational Finance, MSc

  Financial Services, MSc

  Finance and Information Systems, MSc

  Human Resource Management, MSc

  International Entrepreneurship Management, MBS

  International Management & Global Business, MSc

  International Tourism, MA

  Marketing, Consumption & Society, MSc

  Project Management, MSc

  Software Engineering & Entrepreneurship Management

  Work & Organisational Psychology/Work & Organisational

  Behaviour MSc


  Classical String Performance , MA

  Community Music , MA

  Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies , MA

  Dance Performance , MA

  Development , Grad Dip/MA

  English, MA

  English Language Teaching , MA

  Ethnochoreology , MA

  Ethnomusicology , MA

  European and Comparative Law , LLM

  European Politics & Governance , MA

  European union Law & Politics, MA

  French , MA

  Gender, Culture & Society , MA

  History , MA

  History of Art and Architecture , MA

  History of the Family , MA

  History of the Family , MA

  Human Rights in Criminal Justice , LLM/MA

  International Commercial Law , LLM

  International Studies , MA

  Irish Traditional Music Performance , MA

  Journalism , Grad Dip/MA

  Law , LLB

  Law , LLM

  Music Therapy , MA

  Peace and Development Studies , MA

  Politics , MA

  Public Administration , Grad Dip/MA

  Ritual Chant and Song , MA

  Sociology , MA

  Sociology , MA

  Technical Communication and E Learning, , MA


  Advanced Materials Grad Dip, MSc

  Aeronautical Engineering MEng,

  Applied Physics MSc

  Biomedical Engineering MSc

  Chemical Engineering Grad Dip

  Computer Aided Engineering Product Design Grad Dip, MTech

  Computer Aided Enterprise Performance Modelling Grad Dip, MTech

  Computer and Communications Systems MEng

  Computer Engineering Grad Dip, MEng

  Computing Grad Dip

  Global Computing and Localisation MSc

  Health Informatics MSc

  Information and Network Security MEng

  Interactive Media MA, MSc

  Mathematical Modelling MSc

  Mechanical Engineering MEng

  Music Technology MSc , MA

  Quality Management Grad Dip MSc

  Software Engineering MSc

  Software Engineering & Entrepreneurship Management MSc

  Sustainable Resource Management: Policy & Practice

  VLSI Systems MEng


BusinessProfessional Diploma Ed

Clinical Psychology DclinPsych

Languages,Professional Diploma Ed

Medicine - Graduate Entry,BM, BS Midwifery Studies Grad Dip MSc,

Music MEd

MusicProfessional Diploma Ed

Nursing Grad Dip Msc

Nursing Grad Dip Msc

Nursing Grad Dip MSc

Nursing Grad Dip, MSc

Nursing Grad Dip MSc

Nursing Grad Dip, Msc

Nursing Grad Dip, MSc

Nursing/Midwifery, Grad Dip, MSc

Occupational Therapy, MSc

Physical EducationProfessional Diploma Ed

Psychology MA

Psychological Science Psychological Science in Social Psychology, ,

Speech and Language Therapy MSc

Sports Performance MSc Teaching, Learning and Scholarship, Specialist Diploma

Technology,Professional Diploma Ed


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以上就是有關【教育體系】愛爾蘭留學 利默瑞克大學碩士課程的詳細介紹的相關內容介紹,希望對您有所幫助,對此如果還有什么想要了解的,可以關注澳際留學網相關資訊或咨詢專業(yè)的顧問老師。

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