您所在的位置: 首頁> 新聞列表> 2023年英國留學(xué)史上規(guī)模最大春季招生!
University of Glasgow
MSc Finance & Economic Development
MSc Finance & Management
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Financial Forecasting & Investment
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Geoinformation Technology & Cartography
MSc Geomatics & Management
MSc Information Security
MSc International Banking & Finance
MSc International Business
Durham University
MSc Finance
MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance)
MSc Management
MSc Management (Finance)
MSc Marketing
MSc Accounting
University of Southampton
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Accounting and Management
MSc Biomedical Engineering
MSc Business Analytics and Finance
MSc Business Analytics and Management Sciences
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Computational Engineering Design (Adv Mechanical Engineering Science)
MSc Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)
MSc Finance
MSc Finance and Economics
The University of Leeds
MA Design
MA Fashion, Enterprise & Society
MA Global Fashion Management
MSc Textile Sustain & Innov FT
MA Communication & Media
MA Music and Management
MMU Performance
MMU Performance PT
MA Cult, Create & Entrepreneur FT
MRes Biodive & Conserv (Africa)
University of Nottingham
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Business and Management
MSc Human Resource Management and Organisation
MSc International Business
MSc International Tourism, Management and Marketing
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Risk Management
Queen Mary University of London
MSc Marketing
MSc Management
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation
MSc Business Analytics
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Behavioural Finance
MSc Data Analytics
MSc Big Data Science
University of Exeter
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Accounting and Taxation
MSc Economics
MSc Finance and Investment
MSc Finance and Management
MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management
MSc Finance Economics
MSc Human Resource Manggement
MSc Entreperneurship and Innovation Management
MSc Marketing
University of Liverpool
MA Applied Linguistics
MA Architecture
MSc Building Infoeemation Modelling
MA Classical Music Industry
MSc Climate Resillience and Sustainability in Archetecture
MSc Marketing
MA Music Industry Studies
MA Music Performance
MSc Project Management
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL)
University of Aberdeen
MLitt Creative Writing
MLitt English Literary Studies
MLitt Film, Visual Culture And Arts Management
MLitt Performance Studies
MMus Music
MSc Cultural & Creative Communication
MSc Applied Marine And Fisheries Ecology
MSc Ecology And Conservation
MSc Environmental Management
MSc Environmental Pollution And Remediation
Queen‘s University Belfast
MA Translating
MA Interpreting
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Risk and Investment Management
MSc Quantitative Finance
MSc International Business
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
Loughborough University
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering with Information Technology & Management
MA Digital Media and Society
MA Global Media and Cultural Industries
MSc Automotive Engineering
MSc Business and Economics
MSc International Business
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc International Financial and Political Relations
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
University of Leicester
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing for the Creative Industries
MSc International Marketing
MSc International Management
MSc Human Resource Management and Training
MSc Management, Finance & Accounting
MSc Accounting & Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Banking & International Finance
Royal Holloway, University of London
MSc Accounting and Financial Management
MSc Business Information Systems
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation+
MA Marketing
MA International Media Management
MSc Digital Innovation and Analytics
MSc Digital Marketing
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Management
MSc International Management (Marketing)
University of East Anglia
MSc Finance and Management
MSc Business Management
MSc Marketing and Management
MA International Development
MA Media, Culture and Society
MSc Global Media Economics
MSc International Business Finance and Economics
MSc International Business Economics
LLM General Law
MSc Data Science
MSc Advanced Computing Science
MSc Cyber Security
Brunel University
MSc Accounting and Business Management
MSc Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing
MSc Corporate Brand Management (New Jan start)
Msc Global Supply Chain Management (New Jan start)
MSc Human Resources and Employment Relations
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Business (New Jan start)
MBA (all pathways)
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
University of Essex
MSc Business Analytics (Southend campus)
MBA (Colchester campus)
MSc Data Science and its Applications (Course information coming soon)
MSc Applied Data Science (Course information coming soon)
MSc Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications (Course information coming soon)
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Behavioural Economics
MSc Management Economics
LLM International Law
University of Stirling
MSc Applied Professional Studies
MSc Applied Social Research
MSc Aquatic Pathobiology
MSc Aquatic Veterinary Studies
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Behavioural Decision Making for Finance
MSc Behavioural Science for Management
MSc Big Data
MSc Business Analytics
希望上述內(nèi)容講解能幫助同學(xué)們更好的了解海外留學(xué)的最新動態(tài)。如果想要咨詢其他英國超大規(guī)模春季招生相關(guān)問題,可隨時在我們的官網(wǎng),APP或公眾號上咨詢我們專業(yè)的留學(xué)顧問老師。 免費(fèi)咨詢電話:【400-601-0022】;免費(fèi)咨詢QQ:【4008189988】 溫馨提示:想要了解更多留學(xué)中介最新出國留學(xué)動態(tài),可以掃描下方二維碼下載小希留學(xué)APP一鍵獲取最新留學(xué)新聞內(nèi)容。
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