您所在的位置: 首頁> 新聞列表> UBC大學本科生獎學金
??? UBC大學本科生獎學金
??? Major Entrance Scholarships、AP AchievementScholarship、
??? President's Entrance Scholarships、Irving K. BarberScholarships、
??? International Leader of Tomorrow Award、
??? Awards Recommended by Faculties、
??? Wesbrook Scholarship和Premier UndergraduateScholarships 等。
??? 但大多數(shù)獎助學金項目只針對加拿大該國學生,提供給本科留學生的項目比較有限,其中有:International Leader of Tomorrow Award、Internatioanl Student Humanitarian Award及President’s Entrance Scholarship、International Leader of Tomorrow Award
針對學業(yè)成績突出,但存在經濟困難的海外本科留學生,獎金額從14,000加元到34,000加元不等,需提出申請。President’s Entrance Scholarship 則提供給一年級的海外留學生新生,此獎學金不需申請,會根據入學者的狀況進行分類,詳情見下表:
Secondary school students
Average at point of admissionAward
95% or better,or IB diploma 36 or better$5,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Priority assignment with UBC Housing & Conferences
90% to 94.99%,or IB diploma 32 to 35$3,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Priority assignment with UBC Housing & Conferences
86% to 89.99%,or IB diploma 30 to 31$1,000 scholarship
Early registration date
College,university,or technical institute students
Credits and GPA at point of admissionAward
24 or more transferable credits with a GPA of 3.95 or
better$3,000 scholarship
Early registration date
7 to 23 transferable credits with a final admission average of 3.95 or better$1,000 scholarship
Early registration date
Technical diploma with a GPA of 3.95 or better$1,000 scholarship
Early registration date
??? 以上就是UBC大學本科生獎學金介紹,僅供參考,祝大家都取得一個好成績。
立即咨詢Amy GUO 經驗: 17年 案例:4539 擅長:美國,澳洲,亞洲,歐洲